Cinder (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a partially or mostly burned piece of coal, wood, etc.
  2. cinders,
    • any residue of combustion; ashes.
    • coarse scoriae erupted by volcanoes.
  3. a live, flameless coal; ember.
  4. Metallurgy.
verb (used with object)
  1. to spread cinders on: The highway department salted and cindered the icy roads.
  2. to reduce to cinders.
verb (used without object)
  1. to spread cinders on a surface, as a road or sidewalk: My neighbor began cindering as soon as the first snowflake fell.
  1. a piece of incombustible material left after the combustion of coal, coke, etc; clinker
  2. a piece of charred material that burns without flames; ember
  3. any solid waste from smelting or refining
  4. fragments of volcanic lava; scoriae
  1. to burn to cinders
Cinder (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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