Circularity (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the state or quality of being in the shape or form of a circle: Circularity is the measurement of the roundness of the individual coins.Her tasseled yellow hijab accentuated the almost complete circularity of her face.
  2. the state or quality of moving or occurring in a cycle:Detritus ecosystems flourish and collapse because they lack the sustaining circularity of other kinds of ecosystems.The circularity of history provides instruction, correction, and guidance.
  3. (of reasoning or logic) the quality of having a conclusion that has been assumed as a premise: Despite the apparent circularity, the implication that "public goods should be public" seems like a natural one.Circularity is the hallmark of this chain of reasoning, which appears to conflate the process of creating the rule with the process of justifying it.
  4. the practice of encouraging reuse, recycling, or sustainability in consumption, manufacturing, etc.:For the coming year, we intend to focus on sustainability and on closing the loop and bringing circularity into our purchasing and consuming behavior.Several new technologies are enabling infrastructure to be designed with greater circularity.
Circularity (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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