Cis (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. cisgender or cissexual: He may not be macho, but he's definitely a cis male.
  1. a person who is cisgender or cissexual.
  1. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin meaning “on the near side of; on this side of” (cisalpine); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (cisatlantic).
  2. a specialization of this denoting a geometric isomer having a pair of identical atoms or groups attached on the same side of two atoms linked by a double bond.
  3. a prefix meaning “on the same side of,” referring to the alignment of one’s gender identity with one’s sex assigned at birth (cisgender; cissexual).
  1. Commonwealth of Independent States.
abbreviation for
  1. Commonwealth of Independent States
  1. on this or the near side of
  2. (often in italics) indicating that two groups of atoms in an unsaturated compound lie on the same side of a double bond
Cis (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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