Citral (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Chemistry.
  1. a pale yellow, water-insoluble, liquid aldehyde, C10H16O, having a strong lemonlike odor, consisting in natural form of two isomers (citral a, or geranial, and citral b, or neral ), usually obtained from the oils of lemon and orange or synthetically: used chiefly in perfumery, flavoring, and the synthesis of vitamin A.
  1. a yellow volatile liquid with a lemon-like odour, found in oils of lemon grass, orange, and lemon and used in perfumery: a terpene aldehyde consisting of the cis- isomer (citral-a or geranial) and the trans- isomer (citral-b or neral). Formula: (CH 3) 2 C:CH(CH 2) 2 C(CH 3):CHCHO
Citral (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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