Cleavage (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act of cleaving or splitting.
  2. the state of being cleft.
  3. the area between a woman's breasts, especially when revealed by a low-cut neckline.
  4. a critical division in opinion, beliefs, interests, etc., as leading to opposition between two groups: a growing cleavage between the Conservative and Liberal wings of the party.
  5. the tendency of crystals, certain minerals, rocks, etc., to break in preferred directions so as to yield more or less smooth surfaces (cleavage planes ).
  6. the total or partial division of the egg into smaller cells or blastomeres.
  7. the breaking down of a molecule or compound into simpler structures.
  1. the separation between a woman's breasts, esp as revealed by a low-cut dress
  2. a division or split
  3. (of crystals) the act of splitting or the tendency to split along definite planes so as to yield smooth surfaces
  4. (in animals) the repeated division of a fertilized ovum into a solid ball of cells (a morula), which later becomes hollow (a blastula)
  5. the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule to give smaller molecules or radicals
  6. the natural splitting of certain rocks, or minerals such as slates, or micas along the planes of weakness
    Cleavage (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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