Clutch (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to seize with or as with the hands or claws; snatch: The bird swooped down and clutched its prey with its claws.
  2. to grip or hold tightly or firmly: She clutched the child's hand as they crossed the street.
  3. to spellbind; grip (a person) emotionally; hold the attention, or interest of: Garbo movies really clutch me.
verb (used without object)
  1. to try to seize or grasp (usually followed by at): He clutched at the fleeing child. She clutched at the opportunity.
  2. to become tense with fright; panic (sometimes followed by up): I clutched up on the math exam.
  3. to operate the clutch in a vehicle.
  1. the hand, claw, etc., when grasping.
  2. power of disposal or control; mastery: She fell into the clutches of the enemy.
  3. the act of clutching; a snatch or grasp.
  4. a tight grip or hold.
  5. a device for gripping something.
  6. Automotive, Machinery.
    • a mechanism for readily engaging or disengaging a shaft with or from another shaft or rotating part.
    • a control, as a pedal, for operating this mechanism.
  7. an extremely important or crucial moment of a game: He was famous for his coolness in pitching in the clutch.
  8. any critical position or situation; emergency: She kept complete control in the clutch.
  9. a small purse that can be carried in the hand and usually has no handle or strap.
  1. done or accomplished in a critical situation: He sank a clutch shot that won the basketball game.Without a couple of clutch heals, we would've had a party wipe in that dungeon.
  2. dependable in crucial situations: a clutch player.
  3. accomplished at the last possible moment or against the odds: Phew! That was a clutch win!
  4. of or relating to a person, especially a player, who delivers under difficult conditions or at a crucial moment: Their quarterback is showing his clutch gene this season.
  5. (of a coat) without fasteners; held closed in front by one's hand or arm.
  1. (used to celebrate something that is found or is available fortuitously, at just the right moment): When my phone died, the guy at the next table loaned me his charger. Clutch!
  1. in a crucial, must-win, make-or-break moment: You need subs who can come off the bench and score in the clutch.
  2. to deliver or perform what is needed at just the right time or at the last possible moment: I missed the bus, which would've made me late for my interview, but a neighbor came in clutch and gave me a ride.
  1. a hatch of eggs; the number of eggs produced or incubated at one time.
  2. a brood of chickens.
  3. a number of similar individuals: a clutch of books; a whole clutch of dancers.
verb (used with object)
  1. to hatch (chickens).
  1. to seize with or as if with hands or claws
  2. to grasp or hold firmly
  3. to attempt to get hold or possession (of)
  1. a device that enables two revolving shafts to be joined or disconnected as required, esp one that transmits the drive from the engine to the gearbox in a vehicle
  2. a device for holding fast
  3. a firm grasp
  4. a hand, claw, or talon in the act of clutching
  5. power or control
  6. a handbag without handles
  1. a hatch of eggs laid by a particular bird or laid in a single nest
  2. a brood of chickens
  3. a group, bunch, or cluster
  1. to hatch (chickens)
Clutch (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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