Cobweb (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a web spun by a spider to entrap its prey.
  2. a single thread spun by a spider.
  3. something resembling a cobweb; anything finespun, flimsy, or insubstantial.
  4. a network of plot or intrigue; an insidious snare.
  5. confusion, indistinctness, or lack of order: I'm so tired my head is full of cobwebs.
verb (used with object), cob·webbed, cob·web·bing.
  1. to cover with or as with cobwebs: Spiders cobwebbed the cellar.
  2. to confuse or muddle: Drunkenness cobwebbed his mind.
  1. a web spun by certain spiders, esp those of the family Theridiidae, often found in the corners of disused rooms
  2. a single thread of such a web
  3. something like a cobweb, as in its flimsiness or ability to trap
Cobweb (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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