Codex (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural co·di·ces [koh-duh-seez, kod-uh-]. /ˈkoʊ dəˌsiz, ˈkɒd ə-/.
  1. a quire of manuscript pages held together by stitching: the earliest form of book, replacing the scrolls and wax tablets of earlier times.
  2. a manuscript volume, usually of an ancient classic or the Scriptures.
  3. a code; book of statutes.
noun plural codices (ˈkəʊdɪˌsiːz, ˈkɒdɪ-)
  1. a volume, in book form, of manuscripts of an ancient text
  2. a legal code
Codex (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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