Col (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural cols [kolz; French kawl]. /kɒlz; French kɔl/.
  1. a pass or depression in a mountain range or ridge.
  2. the region of relatively low pressure between two anticyclones.
  1. cost of living.
  1. variant of com- before l: collateral.
  1. variant of colo- before a vowel: colectomy.
  1. (in prescriptions) strain.
  1. collected.
  2. collector.
  3. college.
  4. collegiate.
  5. colonial.
  6. colony.
  7. color.
  8. colored.
  9. column.
  1. Colombia.
  2. Colonel.
  3. Colorado.
  4. Colossians.
  1. the lowest point of a ridge connecting two mountain peaks, often constituting a pass
  2. a pressure region between two anticyclones and two depressions, associated with variable weather
  1. a variant of com- collateral
  1. a variant of colo- colectomy
abbreviation for
  1. column
abbreviation for
  1. Colombia(n)
  2. Colonel
  3. Colossians
Col (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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