Com (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. (on the internet) a top-level domain appearing as a suffix on domain names used for commercial establishments.
  1. a cable television channel.
  2. computer output on microfilm.
  1. a prefix meaning “with,” “together,” “in association,” and (with intensive force) “completely,” occurring in loanwords from Latin (commit): used in the formation of compound words before b, p, m: combine; compare; commingle.
  1. comedy.
  2. comma.
  3. command.
  4. commander.
  5. commerce.
  6. commercial.
  7. commission.
  8. commissioner.
  9. committee.
  10. common.
  11. commonly.
  12. communications.
  1. Commander.
  2. Commission.
  3. Commissioner.
  4. Committee.
  5. Commodore.
  6. Commonwealth.
the internet domain name for
  1. a commercial company
    • a process in which a computer output is converted direct to microfiche or film, esp 35 or 16 millimetre film
    • (as modifier)
  1. together; with; jointly
abbreviation for
  1. Commander
  2. committee
  3. Commodore
Com (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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