Comb (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a toothed strip of plastic, hard rubber, bone, wood, or metal, used for arranging the hair, untangling it, or holding it in place.
  2. a currycomb.
  3. any comblike instrument, object, or formation.
  4. the fleshy, more or less serrated outgrowth on the head of certain gallinaceous birds, especially the domestic fowl.
  5. something resembling or suggesting this, as the crest of a wave.
  6. a honeycomb, or any similar group of cells.
  7. a machine for separating choice cotton or wool fibers from noil.
  8. a comblike instrument for imparting a grainlike finish to a painted surface.
  9. a ridge of a roof.
  10. a series of springlike prongs projecting from a spine, usually of plastic, for making a loose-leaf binding.
  11. a trowel having a notched edge for applying adhesives in setting tiles or the like.
  12. a ridge along the top of a helmet, especially of the morion.
  13. drag (def. 34).
  14. the upper edge of the buttstock of a rifle or shotgun.
verb (used with object)
  1. to arrange or adorn (the hair) with a comb.
  2. to use (something) in the manner of a comb: She was slowly combing her fingers through her hair.
  3. to remove (anything undesirable) with or as if with a comb: She combed the snarls out of her hair. They combed the cowards from the group.
  4. to search everywhere in: He combed the files for the missing letter.
  5. to separate (textile fibers) with a comb.
  6. to scrape with or as with a comb.
  7. to sweep across; rake: High winds combed the seacoast.
verb (used without object)
  1. to roll over or break at the crest, as a wave.
  1. combination.
  2. combined.
  3. combining.
  4. combustion.
  1. a toothed device of metal, plastic, wood, etc, used for disentangling or arranging hair
  2. a tool or machine that separates, cleans, and straightens wool, cotton, etc
  3. the fixed cutter on a sheep-shearing machine
  4. anything resembling a toothed comb in form or function
  5. the fleshy deeply serrated outgrowth on the top of the heads of certain birds, esp the domestic fowl
  6. anything resembling the comb of a bird
  7. a currycomb
  8. a honeycomb
  9. the row of fused cilia in a ctenophore
  10. to examine very thoroughly
  1. to use a comb on
  2. to search or inspect with great care
Comb (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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