Commando (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural com·man·dos, com·man·does.
  1. (in World War II)
    • any of the specially trained Allied military units used for surprise, hit-and-run raids against Axis forces.
    • a member of any of these units.
  2. any military unit organized for operations similar to those of the commandos of World War II.
  3. a member of a military assault unit or team trained to operate quickly and aggressively in especially urgent, threatening situations, as against terrorists holding hostages.
  1. to wear pants, shorts, a skirt, etc., with no underwear.
noun plural -dos or -does
    • an amphibious military unit trained for raiding
    • a member of such a unit
  1. the basic unit of the Royal Marine Corps
  2. (originally) an armed force raised by Boers during the Boer War
  3. denoting or relating to a commando or force of commandos
  1. to wear no underpants
Commando (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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