Communist (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a member of the Communist Party or movement.
  2. an advocate of communism.
  3. a person who is regarded as supporting politically leftist or subversive causes.
  4. a Communard.
  1. of or relating to the Communist Party or to Communism.
  2. pertaining to communists or communism.
  1. a supporter of any form of communism
  2. a supporter of Communism or a Communist movement or state
  3. a member of a Communist party
  4. any person holding left-wing views, esp when considered subversive
  5. a person who practises communal living; communalist
  6. another name for Communard
  1. of, characterized by, favouring, or relating to communism; communistic
Communist (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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