Concierge (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural con·cierges [-see-air-zhiz; French -syerzh] /-siˈɛər ʒɪz; French -ˈsyɛrʒ/
  1. (especially in France) a person who has charge of the entrance of a building and is often the owner's representative; doorkeeper.
  2. a member of a hotel staff in charge of special services for guests, as arranging for theater tickets or tours.
  3. an employee stationed in an apartment house lobby who screens visitors, controls operation of elevators, accepts deliveries to the tenants, etc.
  4. a janitor.
  5. a custodian or warden.
  1. pertaining to or being medical care for which the patient pays the doctor an annual fee for special or extra services: concierge medicine;concierge physicians.
  1. (esp in France) a caretaker of a block of flats, hotel, etc, esp one who lives on the premises
Concierge (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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