Congregation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an assembly of persons brought together for common religious worship.
  2. the act of congregating or the state of being congregated.
  3. a gathered or assembled body; assemblage.
  4. an organization formed for the purpose of providing for worship of God, for religious education, and for other church activities; a local church society.
  5. the people of Israel. Exodus 12:3,6; Leviticus 4:13.
  6. the Christian church in general.
  7. Roman Catholic Church.
    • a committee of cardinals or other ecclesiastics.
    • a community of men or women, either with or without vows, observing a common rule.
  8. (at English universities) the general assembly of the doctors, fellows, etc.
  9. (in colonial North America) a parish, town, plantation, or other settlement.
  1. a group of persons gathered for worship, prayer, etc, esp in a church or chapel
  2. the act of congregating or collecting together
  3. a group of people, objects, etc, collected together; assemblage
  4. the group of persons habitually attending a given church, chapel, etc
  5. RC Church
    • a society of persons who follow a common rule of life but who are bound only by simple vows
    • an administrative subdivision of the papal curia
    • an administrative committee of bishops for arranging the business of a general council
  6. an assembly of senior members of a university
Congregation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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