Conjunction (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act of joining together, or the state of being so joined; combination, union, or association: The conjunction of everyday life with the magical is a great source for comedy, as in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream.
  2. a combination of events or circumstances: I gave birth to a daughter in International Women's Year, a happy conjunction that changed my personal and professional life.
  3. Grammar.
    • any member of a small class of words distinguished in many languages by their function as connectors between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, such as and, because, but, however.
    • any other word or expression of similar function, such as in any case.
  4. Astronomy.
    • the coincidence of two or more heavenly bodies at the same celestial longitude.
    • the state of two or more such coinciding heavenly bodies.
  5. the coincidence of two or more heavenly bodies at the same celestial longitude, characterized by a unification of the planetary energies; an astrological aspect.
  6. Logic.
    • a compound proposition that is true if and only if all of its component propositions are true.
    • the relation among the components of such a proposition, usually expressed by AND or & or ·.
  1. in conjunction with,
    • together with; in association or cooperation with: The school offers an apprenticeship program in conjunction with our industry partners.The police, in conjunction with the army, finally established order.
    • with reference to; related to: They hosted a debate in conjunction with the novel The Great Gatsby.
  1. the act of joining together; combination; union
  2. simultaneous occurrence of events; coincidence
  3. any word or group of words, other than a relative pronoun, that connects words, phrases, or clauses; for example and and while
  4. astronomy
    • the position of any two bodies that appear to meet, such as two celestial bodies on the celestial sphere
    • the position of a planet or the moon when it is in line with the sun as seen from the earth. The inner planets are in inferior conjunction when the planet is between the earth and the sun and in superior conjunction when the sun lies between the earth and the planet
  5. an exact aspect of 0° between two planets, etc, an orb of 8° being allowed
  6. logic
    • the operator that forms a compound sentence from two given sentences, and corresponds to the English and
    • a sentence so formed. Usually written p&q, p∧q, or p.q., where p,q are the component sentences, it is true only when both these are true
    • the relation between such sentences
    Conjunction (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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