Consider (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on: He considered the cost before buying the new car.
  2. to regard as or deem to be: I consider the story improbable.
  3. to think, believe, or suppose: We consider his reply unsatisfactory.
  4. to bear in mind; make allowance for: The arrest was justified if you consider his disorderly behavior.
  5. to pay attention to; regard: He considered the man for some time before speaking to him.
  6. to regard with respect, thoughtfulness, honor, etc.; esteem.
  7. to think about (something that one might do, accept, buy, etc.): to consider a job in Guatemala.
  8. to view attentively; scrutinize.
  9. to recompense or remunerate.
verb (used without object)
  1. to think deliberately or carefully; reflect.
  2. to view carefully or thoughtfully.
verb (mainly tr)
  1. to think carefully about or ponder on (a problem, decision, etc); contemplate
  2. to judge, deem, or have as an opinion
  3. to have regard for; respect
  4. to look at; regard
  5. to bear in mind as possible or acceptable
  6. to describe or discuss
  7. to keep in mind and make allowances (for)
Consider (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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