Consistory (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural con·sis·to·ries.
  1. any of various ecclesiastical councils or tribunals.
  2. the place where such a council or tribunal meets.
  3. the meeting of any such body.
  4. a solemn assembly of the whole body of cardinals, summoned and presided over by the pope.
  5. a diocesan court for dealing with ecclesiastical and spiritual questions, held in the cathedral church and presided over by the bishop, the bishop's chancellor, or the commissary.
  6. (in certain Reformed churches) the governing board of a local church or congregation.
  7. any assembly or council.
  8. a council chamber.
noun plural -ries
  1. Church of England
    • the court of a diocese (other than Canterbury) administering ecclesiastical law
    • the area in a church where the consistory meets
  2. an assembly of the cardinals and the pope
  3. (in certain Reformed Churches) the governing body of a local congregation or church
  4. a council or assembly
Consistory (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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