Constitution (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, corporation, or the like, is governed.
  2. the document embodying these principles.
  3. Constitution of the United States.
  4. the way in which a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition: the chemical constitution of the cleanser.
  5. the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc.: He has a strong constitution.
  6. the aggregate of a person's physical and psychological characteristics.
  7. the act or process of constituting; establishment.
  8. the state of being constituted; formation.
  9. any established arrangement or custom.
  10. character or condition of mind; disposition; temperament.
  1. the act of constituting or state of being constituted
  2. the way in which a thing is composed; physical make-up; structure
  3. the fundamental political principles on which a state is governed, esp when considered as embodying the rights of the subjects of that state
  4. (in certain countries, esp Australia and the US) a statute embodying such principles
  5. a person's state of health
  6. a person's disposition of mind; temperament
Constitution (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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