Conversation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

    • informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by spoken words; oral communication between persons; talk: how to master the art of conversation.
    • such interchange by sign language, email, or other nonoral means of communication: I enjoy our time on the phone, but she prefers conversation by texting.
    • an instance of this: I had a long phone conversation with my cousin in Florida.
  1. an informal public exchange of ideas or opinions about a particular issue; a dialogue: It’s time for a global conversation about the epidemic.
  2. association or social intercourse: a year's conversation with him as his caregiver and friend.
  3. criminal conversation.
  4. the ability to talk socially with others: She writes well but has no conversation.
  5. Obsolete.
    • behavior or manner of living.
    • close familiarity; intimate acquaintance, as from constant use or study.
  1. the interchange through speech of information, ideas, etc; spoken communication
  2. to talk in an artificial way
Conversation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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