Converse (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object), con·versed, con·vers·ing.
  1. to talk informally with another or others; exchange views, opinions, etc., by talking.
  2. to maintain a familiar association (usually followed bywith).
  3. to have sexual intercourse (usually followed by with).
  1. familiar discourse or talk; conversation.
  1. opposite or contrary in direction, action, sequence, etc.; turned around.
  1. something opposite or contrary.
  2. Logic.
    • a proposition obtained from another proposition by conversion.
    • the relation between two terms, one of which is related to the other in a given manner, as “younger than” to “older than.”
  3. a group of words correlative with a preceding group but having a significant pair of terms interchanged, as “hot in winter but cold in summer” and “cold in winter but hot in summer.”
  1. U.S. composer.
verb (kənˈvɜːs) (intr often foll by with)
  1. to engage in conversation (with)
  2. to commune spiritually (with)
  3. obsolete
    • to associate; consort
    • to have sexual intercourse
noun (ˈkɒnvɜːs)
  1. conversation (often in the phrase hold converse with)
  2. obsolete
    • fellowship or acquaintance
    • sexual intercourse
  1. reversed; opposite; contrary
  1. something that is opposite or contrary
  2. logic
    • a categorical proposition obtained from another by the transposition of subject and predicate, as no bad man is bald from no bald man is bad
    • a proposition so derived, possibly by weakening a universal proposition to the corresponding particular, as some socialists are rich from all rich men are socialists
  3. a relation that holds between two relata only when a given relation holds between them in reverse order: thus father of is the converse of son of
Converse (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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