Copy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural cop·ies, for 1, 2, 8, 10.
  1. an imitation, reproduction, or transcript of an original: a copy of a famous painting.
  2. one of the various examples or specimens of the same book, engraving, or the like.
  3. written matter intended to be reproduced in printed form: The editor sent the copy for the next issue to the printer.
  4. the text of a news story, advertisement, television commercial, etc., as distinguished from related visual material.
  5. the newsworthiness of a person, thing, or event (often preceded by good or bad): The president is always good copy.
  6. an exact duplicate of a file, program, etc.: Keep a backup copy of the document.
  7. replication (def. 7).
  8. pictures and artwork prepared for reproduction.
  9. (in schools) a composition; a written assignment.
  10. a size of drawing or writing paper, 16 × 20 inches (40 × 50 centimeters).
  11. something that is to be reproduced; an example or pattern, as of penmanship to be copied by a pupil.
verb (used with object), cop·ied, cop·y·ing.
  1. to make a copy of; transcribe; reproduce: to copy a set of figures from a book.
  2. to receive and understand (a radio message or its sender).
  3. to follow as a pattern or model; imitate.
  4. to make an exact duplicate of (a file, selected text, etc.) and store in another location or in temporary memory: Can I copy the program to another computer? Copy the selected paragraph to the clipboard.
verb (used without object), cop·ied, cop·y·ing.
  1. to make a copy or copies.
  2. to undergo copying: It copied poorly.I can't install the program—one file won't copy.
  3. to hear or receive a radio message, as over a CB radio: Do you copy?
  4. to leap from one ice pan to another across open water.
  1. mail1 (def. 11).
noun plural copies
  1. an imitation or reproduction of an original
  2. a single specimen of something that occurs in a multiple edition, such as a book, article, etc
    • matter to be reproduced in print
    • written matter or text as distinct from graphic material in books, newspapers, etc
  3. the words used to present a promotional message in an advertisement
  4. suitable material for an article or story
  5. a model to be copied, esp an example of penmanship
verb copies, copying or copied
  1. to make a copy or reproduction of (an original)
  2. to imitate as a model
  3. to imitate unfairly
Copy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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