Counterpoise (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a counterbalancing weight.
  2. any equal and opposing power or force.
  3. the state of being in equilibrium; balance.
  4. a network of wires or other conductors connected to the base of an antenna, used as a substitute for the ground connection.
verb (used with object), coun·ter·poised, coun·ter·pois·ing.
  1. to balance by an opposing weight; counteract by an opposing force.
  2. to bring into equilibrium.
  3. to weigh (one thing) against something else; consider carefully.
  1. a force, influence, etc, that counterbalances another
  2. a state of balance; equilibrium
  3. a weight that balances another
  4. a radial array of metallic wires, rods, or tubes arranged horizontally around the base of a vertical aerial to increase its transmitting efficiency
verb (tr)
  1. to oppose with something of equal effect, weight, or force; offset
  2. to bring into equilibrium
  3. to consider (one thing) carefully in relation to another
Counterpoise (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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