Critical Point (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the point at which a substance in one phase, as the liquid, has the same density, pressure, and temperature as in another phase, as the gaseous: The volume of water at the critical point is uniquely determined by the critical temperature.
  2. Mathematics.
    • (of a function of a single variable) a point at which the derivative of the function is zero: One critical point, at x = 0, is a decreasing function for positive x.
    • (of a function of several variables) a point at which all partial derivatives of the function are zero: Find and classify all the critical points of the given function.
  1. physics
    • the point on a phase diagram that represents the critical state of a substance
    • another name for critical state
  2. maths the US name for stationary point
    Critical Point (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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