Crow's-foot (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural crow's-feet.
  1. any of the tiny wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes resulting from age or constant squinting.
  2. an arrangement of ropes in which one main rope exerts pull at several points simultaneously through a group of smaller ropes, as in balloon or airship rigging.
  3. (in tailoring) a three-pointed embroidered design used as a finish, as at the end of a seam or opening.
  4. crowfoot (def. 1).
noun plural -feet
  1. a wrinkle at the outer corner of the eye
  2. an embroidery stitch with three points, used esp as a finishing at the end of a seam
  3. a system of diverging short ropes to distribute the pull of a single rope, used esp in balloon and airship riggings
Crow's-foot (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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