Crystal (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice.
  2. the transparent form of crystallized quartz.
  3. a solid body having a characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces, intersecting at definite and characteristic angles.
  4. anything made of or resembling such a substance.
  5. a single grain or mass of a crystalline substance.
  6. glass of fine quality and a high degree of brilliance.
  7. articles, especially glassware for the table and ornamental objects, made of such a glass.
  8. the glass or plastic cover over the face of a watch.
  9. Radio.
  10. a quartz crystal ground in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped, which vibrates strongly at one frequency when electric voltages of that frequency are placed across opposite sides: used to control the frequency of an oscillator (crystal oscillator ), as of a radio transmitter.
  11. any stimulant drug in powder form, as methamphetamine or PCP.
  1. composed of crystal.
  2. resembling crystal; clear; transparent.
  3. pertaining to or employing a crystal detector.
  4. indicating the fifteenth event of a series, as a wedding anniversary.
verb (used with object), crys·taled, crys·tal·ing or (especially British) crys·talled, crys·tal·ling.
  1. to make into crystal; crystallize.
  2. to cover or coat with, or as if with, crystal (usually followed by over).
  1. a city in SE Minnesota, near Minneapolis.
  2. a female given name.
  1. a piece of solid substance, such as quartz, with a regular shape in which plane faces intersect at definite angles, due to the regular internal structure of its atoms, ions, or molecules
  2. a single grain of a crystalline substance
  3. anything resembling a crystal, such as a piece of cut glass
    • a highly transparent and brilliant type of glass, often used in cut-glass tableware, ornaments, etc
    • (as modifier)
  4. something made of or resembling crystal
  5. crystal glass articles collectively
  6. electronics
    • a crystalline element used in certain electronic devices as a detector, oscillator, transducer, etc
    • (as modifier)
  7. a transparent cover for the face of a watch, usually of glass or plastic
  8. of or relating to a crystal or the regular atomic arrangement of crystals
  1. resembling crystal; transparent
    Crystal (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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