Currency (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural cur·ren·cies.
  1. something that is used as a medium of exchange; money.
  2. general acceptance; prevalence; vogue.
  3. a time or period during which something is widely accepted and circulated.
  4. the fact or quality of being widely accepted and circulated from person to person.
  5. circulation, as of coin.
noun plural -cies
  1. a metal or paper medium of exchange that is in current use in a particular country
  2. general acceptance or circulation; prevalence
  3. the period of time during which something is valid, accepted, or in force
  4. the act of being passed from person to person
  5. (formerly) the local medium of exchange, esp in the colonies, as distinct from sterling
  6. Australian slang
    • (formerly) the native-born Australians, as distinct from the British immigrants
    • (as modifier)
Currency (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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