Difficulty (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural dif·fi·cul·ties.
  1. the fact or condition of being difficult.
  2. an embarrassing situation, especially of financial affairs.
  3. a trouble or struggle.
  4. a cause of trouble, struggle, or embarrassment.
  5. a disagreement or dispute.
  6. reluctance; unwillingness.
  7. a demur; objection.
  8. something that is hard to do, understand, or surmount; an impediment or obstacle.
noun plural -ties
  1. the state or quality of being difficult
  2. a task, problem, etc, that is hard to deal with
  3. a troublesome or embarrassing situation, esp a financial one
  4. a dispute or disagreement
  5. an objection or obstacle
  6. a trouble or source of trouble; worry
  7. lack of ease; awkwardness
Difficulty (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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