Dig (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object), dug [duhg] /dʌg/ or (Archaic) digged [digd], /dɪgd/, dig·ging.
  1. to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc., as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw; make an excavation.
  2. to make one's way or work by or as by removing or turning over material: to dig through the files.
verb (used with object), dug [duhg] /dʌg/ or (Archaic) digged [digd], /dɪgd/, dig·ging.
  1. to break up, turn over, or loosen (earth, sand, etc.), as with a shovel, spade, or bulldozer (often followed by up).
  2. to form or excavate (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by removing material.
  3. to unearth, obtain, or remove by digging (often followed by up or out).
  4. to find or discover by effort or search.
  5. to poke, thrust, or force (usually followed by in or into): He dug his heel into the ground.
  1. thrust; poke: He gave me a dig in the ribs with his elbow.
  2. a cutting, sarcastic remark.
  3. an archaeological site undergoing excavation.
  4. living quarters; lodgings.
Verb Phrases
  1. dig in,
    • to dig trenches, as in order to defend a position in battle.
    • to maintain one's opinion or position.
    • to start eating.
  2. to attack, work, or apply oneself voraciously, vigorously, or energetically: to dig into one's work;to dig into a meal.
  3. dig out,
    • to remove earth or debris from by digging.
    • to hollow out by digging.
    • to find by searching: to dig out facts for a term paper.
  4. dig up,
    • to discover in the course of digging.
    • to locate; find: to dig up information.
verb (used with object), dug, dig·ging.Slang.
  1. to understand: Can you dig what I'm saying?
  2. to take notice of: Dig those shoes he's wearing.
  3. to like, love, or enjoy: She digs that kind of music. We really dig each other.
  1. digest.
verb digs, digging or dug
  1. to cut into, break up, and turn over or remove (earth, soil, etc), esp with a spade
  2. to form or excavate (a hole, tunnel, passage, etc) by digging, usually with an implement or (of animals) with feet, claws, etc
  3. to make or force (one's way), esp by removing obstructions
  4. to obtain by digging
  5. to find or discover by effort or searching
  6. to thrust or jab (a sharp instrument, weapon, etc); poke
  7. to mix (compost, etc) with soil by digging
  8. to like, understand, or appreciate
  9. to work hard, esp for an examination
  10. to have lodgings
  1. the act of digging
  2. a thrust or poke, esp in the ribs
  3. a cutting or sarcastic remark
  4. an archaeological excavation
  1. NZ informal short for Digger (def. 1)
Dig (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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