Discontinuity (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural dis·con·ti·nu·i·ties.
  1. lack of continuity; irregularity: The plot of the book was marred by discontinuity.
  2. a break or gap: The surface of the moon is characterized by major discontinuities.
  3. a point at which a function is not continuous.
  4. a zone deep within the earth where the velocity of earthquake waves changes radically.
noun plural -ties
  1. lack of rational connection or cohesion
  2. a break or interruption
  3. maths
    • the property of being discontinuous
    • the point or the value of the variable at which a curve or function becomes discontinuous
  4. geology
    • a zone within the earth where a sudden change in physical properties, such as the velocity of earthquake waves, occurs. Such a zone marks the boundary between the different layers of the earth, as between the core and mantle
    • a surface separating rocks that are not continuous with each other
    Discontinuity (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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