Dismiss (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to direct (an assembly of persons) to disperse or go: I dismissed the class early.
  2. to bid or allow (a person) to go; give permission or a request to depart.
  3. to discharge or remove, as from office or service: to dismiss an employee.
  4. to discard or reject: to dismiss a suitor.
  5. to put off or away, especially from consideration; put aside; reject: She dismissed the story as mere rumor.
  6. to have done with (a subject) after summary treatment: After a perfunctory discussion, he dismissed the idea.
  7. to put out of court, as a complaint or appeal.
verb (tr)
  1. to remove or discharge from employment or service
  2. to send away or allow to go or disperse
  3. to dispel from one's mind; discard; reject
  4. to cease to consider (a subject)
  5. to decline further hearing to (a claim or action)
  6. to bowl out (a side) for a particular number of runs
sentence substitute
  1. an order to end an activity or give permission to disperse
Dismiss (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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