Divide (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), di·vid·ed, di·vid·ing.
  1. to separate into parts, groups, sections, etc.
  2. to separate or part from something else; sunder; cut off.
  3. to deal out in parts; distribute in shares; apportion.
  4. to cleave; part.
  5. to separate in opinion or feeling; cause to disagree: The issue divided the senators.
  6. to distinguish the kinds of; classify.
  7. Mathematics.
    • to separate into equal parts by the process of mathematical division; apply the mathematical process of division to: Eight divided by four is two.
    • to be a divisor of, without a remainder.
  8. to mark a uniform scale on (a ruler, thermometer, etc.).
  9. to separate (a legislature, assembly, etc.) into two groups in ascertaining the vote on a question.
verb (used without object), di·vid·ed, di·vid·ing.
  1. to become divided or separated.
  2. to share something with others.
  3. to diverge; branch; fork: The road divides six miles from here.
  4. to perform the mathematical process of division: He could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide.
  5. to vote by separating into two groups.
  1. a division: a divide in the road.
  2. the line or zone of higher ground between two adjacent streams or drainage basins.
  3. the act of dividing.
  1. to separate or be separated into parts or groups; split up; part
  2. to share or be shared out in parts; distribute
  3. to diverge or cause to diverge in opinion or aim
  4. to keep apart or be a boundary between
  5. (in Parliament and similar legislatures) to vote by separating into two groups
  6. to categorize; classify
  7. to calculate the quotient of (one number or quantity) and (another number or quantity) by division
  8. to diverge
  9. to mark increments of (length, angle, etc) as by use of an engraving machine
  1. an area of relatively high ground separating drainage basins; watershed
  2. a division; split
    Divide (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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