Dodo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural do·dos, do·does.
  1. any of several clumsy, flightless, extinct birds of the genera Raphus and Pezophaps, related to pigeons but about the size of a turkey, formerly inhabiting the islands of Mauritius, Réunion, and Rodriguez.
  2. a dull-witted, slow-reacting person.
  3. a person with old-fashioned, conservative, or outmoded ideas.
  4. a thing that is outmoded or obsolete.
noun plural dodos or dodoes
  1. any flightless bird, esp Raphus cucullatus, of the recently extinct family Raphidae of Mauritius and adjacent islands: order Columbiformes (pigeons, etc). They had a hooked bill, short stout legs, and greyish plumage
  2. an intensely conservative or reactionary person who is unaware of changing fashions, ideas, etc
  3. (of a person or thing) irretrievably defunct or out of date
Dodo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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