Drain (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase.
  2. to withdraw liquid gradually from; make empty or dry by drawing off liquid: to drain a crankcase.
  3. to exhaust the resources of: to drain the treasury.
  4. to deprive of strength; tire.
verb (used without object)
  1. to flow off gradually.
  2. to become empty or dry by the gradual flowing off of liquid or moisture: This land drains into the Mississippi.
  1. something, as a pipe or conduit, by which a liquid drains.
  2. a material or appliance for maintaining the opening of a wound to permit free exit of fluids.
  3. gradual or continuous outflow, withdrawal, or expenditure.
  4. something that causes a large or continuous outflow, expenditure, or depletion: Medical expenses were a major drain on his bank account.
  5. an act of draining.
  6. Physical Geography.
    • an artificial watercourse, as a ditch or trench.
    • a natural watercourse modified to increase its flow of water.
  1. go down the drain,
    • to become worthless or profitless.
    • to go out of existence; disappear.
  1. a pipe or channel that carries off water, sewage, etc
  2. an instance or cause of continuous diminution in resources or energy; depletion
  3. a device, such as a tube, for insertion into a wound, incision, or bodily cavity to drain off pus, etc
  4. the electrode region in a field-effect transistor into which majority carriers flow from the interelectrode conductivity channel
  5. wasted
  1. to draw off or remove (liquid) from
  2. to flow (away) or filter (off)
  3. to dry or be emptied as a result of liquid running off or flowing away
  4. to drink the entire contents of (a glass, cup, etc)
  5. to consume or make constant demands on (resources, energy, etc); exhaust; sap
  6. to disappear or leave, esp gradually
  7. (of a river, etc) to carry off the surface water from (an area)
  8. (of an area) to discharge its surface water into rivers, streams, etc
Drain (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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