Dust Bowl (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a period, throughout the 1930s, when waves of severe drought and dust storms in the North American prairies occurred, having devastating consequences for the residents, livestock, and agriculture there: When the Dust Bowl began, the Great Depression was already underway—it was one disaster on top of another.
  2. the region that suffered from these waves of drought and dust storms, including the entire U.S. Midwest and, in Canada, the southern prairies of Alberta and Saskatchewan: Our Oklahoma panhandle was smack dab in the center of that heartless Dust Bowl.
  3. any similar dry region elsewhere: Where we see the tragic formation of dust bowls in Asia and Africa, overgrazing is believed to be the main culprit.
  1. a semiarid area in which the surface soil is exposed to wind erosion and dust storms occur
  1. the area of the south central US that became denuded of topsoil by wind erosion during the droughts of the mid-1930s
Dust Bowl (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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