EE (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a proportional shoe width size narrower than EEE and wider than E.
  1. a suffix forming from transitive verbs nouns which denote a person who is the object or beneficiary of the act specified by the verb (addressee; employee; grantee); recent formations now also mark the performer of an act, with the base being an intransitive verb (escapee; returnee; standee) or, less frequently, a transitive verb (attendee) or another part of speech (absentee; refugee).
  1. errors excepted.
  1. Early English.
  2. electrical engineer.
  3. electrical engineering.
noun plural een (iːn)
  1. a Scot word for eye 1
the internet domain name for
  1. Estonia
abbreviation for
  1. Early English
  2. electrical engineer(ing)
  3. (in New Zealand) ewe equivalent
suffix forming nouns
  1. indicating a person who is the recipient of an action (as opposed, esp in legal terminology, to the agent, indicated by -or or -er)
  2. indicating a person in a specified state or condition
  3. indicating a diminutive form of something
abbreviation for
  1. errors excepted
EE (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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