Electric (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. pertaining to, derived from, produced by, or involving electricity: an electric shock.
  2. producing, transmitting, or operated by electric currents: an electric bell;electric cord.
  3. electrifying; thrilling; exciting; stirring: The atmosphere was electric with excitement.
  4. (of a musical instrument)
    • producing sound by electrical or electronic means: an electric piano.
    • equipped with connections to an amplifier-loudspeaker system: an electric violin.
  1. Railroads.
    • an electric locomotive.
    • a railroad operated by electricity.
  2. electricity: residential users of gas and electric.
  3. something, as an appliance, vehicle, or toy, operated by electricity.
  4. a substance that is a nonconductor of electricity, as glass or amber, used to store or to excite an electric charge.
  1. of, derived from, produced by, producing, transmitting, or powered by electricity
  2. (of a musical instrument) amplified electronically
  3. very tense or exciting; emotionally charged
  1. an electric train, car, etc
  2. electricity or electrical power
  3. an electric circuit or electric appliances
    Electric (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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