Enemy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural en·e·mies.
  1. a person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.
  2. an armed foe; an opposing military force: The army attacked the enemy at dawn.
  3. a hostile nation or state.
  4. a citizen of such a state.
  5. persons, nations, etc., that are hostile to one another: Let's make up and stop being enemies.
  6. something harmful or prejudicial: His unbridled ambition is his worst enemy.
  7. the Devil; Satan.
  1. belonging to a hostile power or to any of its nationals: enemy property.
  2. inimical; ill-disposed.
noun plural -mies
  1. a person hostile or opposed to a policy, cause, person, or group, esp one who actively tries to do damage; opponent
    • an armed adversary; opposing military force
    • (as modifier)
    • a hostile nation or people
    • (as modifier)
  2. something that harms or opposes; adversary
Enemy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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