Equivalence (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Also equivalency (for defs. 1, 2).
  1. the state or fact of being equivalent; equality in value, force, significance, etc.
  2. an instance of this; an equivalent.
  3. the quality of having equal valence.
  4. Logic, Mathematics.
    • the relation between two propositions such that the second is not false when the first is true.
    • the relation between two propositions such that they are either both true or both false.
    • the relation between two propositions such that each logically implies the other.
  1. (of a logical or mathematical relationship) reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive.
  1. the state of being equivalent or interchangeable
  2. maths logic
    • the relationship between two statements, each of which implies the other
    • the binary truth-function that takes the value true when both component sentences are true or when both are false, corresponding to English if and only if . Symbol: ≡ or ↔, as in –(pq) ≡ – p ∨ – q
Equivalence (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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