Erratic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion; eccentric: erratic behavior.
  2. inconsistent, irregular, or unpredictable: Many factors affect purchasing power, such as inflation and erratic swings in the stock market.
  3. having no certain or definite course or pattern; wandering; not fixed: erratic winds.
  4. noting or pertaining to a boulder or the like carried by glacial ice and deposited some distance from its place of origin.
  5. (of a lichen) having no attachment to the surface on which it grows.
  1. an erratic or eccentric person.
  2. an erratic boulder or the like.
  1. irregular in performance, behaviour, or attitude; inconsistent and unpredictable
  2. having no fixed or regular course; wandering
  1. a piece of rock that differs in composition, shape, etc, from the rock surrounding it, having been transported from its place of origin, esp by glacial action
  2. an erratic person or thing
Erratic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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