Even (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. level; flat; smooth; without surface irregularities: The car can reach a top speed of 120 miles per hour on an even road.
  2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: Plunge the poles into the soil until the lines you marked are even with the ground.
  3. free from variations or fluctuations; regular: He rocked the baby with a careful, even motion.
  4. uniform in action, character, or quality: She governed successfully because she had managed to hold an even course between conflicting principles and parties.
  5. equal in measure or quantity: Add even amounts of oil and vinegar.
  6. (of a number) divisible by two (opposed to odd): The numbers 2, 16, and 30 are even.
  7. denoted by a number divisible by two: There are small illustrations on the top of the even pages of the book.
  8. exactly expressible in integers, or in tens, hundreds, etc., without fractional parts: It's an even seven miles there and back.
  9. (of a function) having a sign that remains the same when the sign of each independent variable is changed at the same time.
  10. equally balanced or divided; equal: Check to see if the scales are even.
  11. leaving no balance of debt on either side; square: We will not be even until I can repay him for saving my life.
  12. calm; placid; not easily excited or angered: If you're looking for a dog with an even temper and friendly personality, this breed is perfect.
  13. equitable, impartial, or fair: After much wrangling, they finally came to an even bargain that suited everyone.
  1. evenly: The road ran even over the fields.
  2. still; yet (used to emphasize a comparative): I liked your previous idea for Mom's gift, but I think this one is even more suitable.
  3. (used to suggest that something mentioned as a possibility constitutes an extreme case or an unlikely instance):Even the slightest noise disturbs him.Even if he attends, he may not participate.
  4. (used to emphasize the occurrence or nonoccurrence of an event, or the simultaneousness of events): Even as he lay dying, they argued over his estate.I loaned her my car for a whole week, but she didn't even fill the gas tank up before returning it to me.
  5. fully or quite: I will protect my child even to my death.
  6. indeed (used as an intensive for stressing the identity or truth of something): He is willing, even eager, to do it.
  7. exactly or precisely: It was even so.
verb (used with object)
  1. to make even; level; smooth (sometimes followed by out): The first step is to even the board with a plane.
  2. to place in an even state as to claim or obligation; balance (often followed by up): I need to even up the accounts before I do my taxes.
verb (used without object)
  1. to become even: The odds evened before the race.
Verb Phrases
  1. even out,
    • to make or become even, smooth, or flat: The wrinkles will even out when the suit dries.
    • to become equal, balanced, stable, etc.: We were optimistic that the situation would even out eventually.
  1. to have one's profits equal one's losses; neither gain nor lose: The company barely broke even last year.
  2. to be revenged; retaliate: He vowed to get even for the insult.
noun Archaic.
  1. evening; eve.
noun, plural E·vens, (especially collectively) E·ven for 1.
  1. a member of a Siberian people living mainly in the Yakut Autonomous Republic in the Russian Federation.
  2. the Tungusic language spoken by the Even.
  1. level and regular; flat
  2. on the same level or in the same plane (as)
  3. without variation or fluctuation; regular; constant
  4. not readily moved or excited; placid; calm
  5. equally balanced between two sides
  6. equal or identical in number, quantity, etc
    • (of a number) divisible by two
    • characterized or indicated by such a number
  7. relating to or denoting two or either of two alternatives, events, etc, that have an equal probability
  8. having no balance of debt; neither owing nor being owed
  9. just and impartial; fair
  10. exact in number, amount, or extent
  11. equal, as in score; level
  12. (of a function) unchanged in value when the sign of the independent variable is changed, as in y = z ²
  13. even money
    • a bet in which the winnings are the same as the amount staked
    • (as modifier)
  14. to exact revenge (on); settle accounts (with)
  15. of the same or today's date
  1. (intensifier; used to suggest that the content of a statement is unexpected or paradoxical)
  2. (intensifier; used with comparative forms)
  3. notwithstanding; in spite of
  4. used to introduce a more precise version of a word, phrase, or statement
  5. used preceding a clause of supposition or hypothesis to emphasize the implication that whether or not the condition in it is fulfilled, the statement in the main clause remains valid
  6. that is to say; namely (used for emphasis)
  7. all the way; fully
  8. at the very same moment or in the very same way that
  9. in spite of any assertion to the contrary: nevertheless
  1. to make or become even
  1. an archaic word for eve, evening
    Even (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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