Exact (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. strictly accurate or correct: an exact likeness; an exact description.
  2. precise, as opposed to approximate: the exact sum; the exact date.
  3. admitting of no deviation, as laws or discipline; strict or rigorous.
  4. capable of the greatest precision: exact instruments.
  5. characterized by or using strict accuracy: an exact thinker.
  6. (of a differential equation) noting that the collection of all terms, equated to zero, is an exact differential.
verb (used with object)
  1. to call for, demand, or require: to exact respect from one's children.
  2. to force or compel the payment, yielding, or performance of: to exact money; to exact tribute from a conquered people.
  1. correct in every detail; strictly accurate
  2. precise, as opposed to approximate; neither more nor less
  3. specific; particular
  4. operating with very great precision
  5. allowing no deviation from a standard; rigorous; strict
  6. based mainly on measurement and the formulation of laws, as opposed to description and classification
verb (tr)
  1. to force or compel (payment or performance); extort
  2. to demand as a right; insist upon
  3. to call for or require
Exact (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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