Example (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. one of a number of things, or a part of something, taken to show the character of the whole: This painting is an example of his early work.
  2. a pattern or model, as of something to be imitated or avoided: to set a good example.
  3. an instance serving for illustration; a representative case: The case histories gave carefully detailed examples of this disease.
  4. an instance illustrating a rule or method, as a mathematical problem proposed for solution.
  5. an instance, especially of punishment, serving as a warning to others: Public executions were meant to be examples to the populace.
  6. a precedent; parallel case: an action without example.
verb (used with object), ex·am·pled, ex·am·pling.
  1. to give or be an example of; exemplify (used in the passive).
  1. a specimen or instance that is typical of the group or set of which it forms part; sample
  2. a person, action, thing, etc, that is worthy of imitation; pattern
  3. a precedent, illustration of a principle, or model
  4. a punishment or the recipient of a punishment serving or intended to serve as a warning
  5. as an illustration; for instance
  1. to present an example of; exemplify
Example (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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