Exempt (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to free from an obligation or liability to which others are subject; release: A grade above B+ is required in order to exempt a student from an examination.
  1. released from, or not subject to, a particular obligation or liability, such as income tax: Charities and other exempt organizations must still file an information return with the IRS.
  2. relating to or being an employee to whom certain obligations imposed on employers under the Fair Labor Standards Act do not apply, generally because skill level and remuneration are relatively high or work is of a kind that cannot be strictly scheduled: Executive employees and creative professionals are among those considered exempt under the FLSA.
  1. a person who is exempt from an obligation, duty, etc.
  2. (in Britain) exon1.
  1. to release from an obligation, liability, tax, etc; excuse
adjective (sometimes postpositive)
  1. freed from or not subject to an obligation, liability, tax, etc; excused
  2. set apart; remote
  1. a person who is exempt from an obligation, tax, etc
Exempt (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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