Facility (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural fa·cil·i·ties.
  1. Often facilities .
    • something designed, built, installed, etc., to serve a specific function affording a convenience or service: transportation facilities;educational facilities;a new research facility.
    • something that permits the easier performance of an action, course of conduct, etc.: to provide someone with every facility for accomplishing a task;to lack facilities for handling bulk mail.
  2. readiness or ease due to skill, aptitude, or practice; dexterity: to compose with great facility.
  3. ready compliance: Her facility in organizing and directing made her an excellent supervisor.
  4. an easy-flowing manner: facility of style.
  5. the quality of being easily or conveniently done or performed.
  6. a restroom, especially one for use by the public, as in a theater or restaurant.
  7. freedom from difficulty, controversy, misunderstanding, etc.: facility of understanding.
noun plural -ties
  1. ease of action or performance; freedom from difficulty
  2. ready skill or ease deriving from practice or familiarity
  3. the means or equipment facilitating the performance of an action
  4. easy-going disposition
  5. an organization or building offering supporting capability
  6. (usually plural) a euphemistic word for lavatory
Facility (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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