Fairway (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an unobstructed passage, way, or area.
  2. Golf.
    • the part of the course where the grass is cut short between the tees and the putting greens, exclusive of the rough, trees, and hazards: More important than long drives is keeping your ball on the fairway.
    • the mowed part of any hole between the tee and the green: The foursome is now on the tenth fairway.
  3. Nautical.
    • the navigable portion of a river, harbor, or other partly enclosed body of water.
    • the channel customarily navigated by vessels in such a body of water.
  1. (on a golf course) the areas of shorter grass between the tees and greens, esp the avenue approaching a green bordered by rough
  2. nautical
    • the navigable part of a river, harbour, etc
    • the customary course followed by vessels
Fairway (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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