False (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, fals·er, fals·est.
  1. not true or correct; erroneous: a false statement.
  2. uttering or declaring what is untrue: a false witness.
  3. not faithful or loyal; treacherous: a false friend.
  4. tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive: a false impression.
  5. not genuine; counterfeit.
  6. based on mistaken, erroneous, or inconsistent impressions, ideas, or facts: false pride.
  7. used as a substitute or supplement, especially temporarily: false supports for a bridge.
  8. having a superficial resemblance to something that properly bears the name: the false acacia.
  9. not properly, accurately, or honestly made, done, or adjusted: a false balance.
  10. inaccurate in pitch, as a musical note.
  1. dishonestly; faithlessly; treacherously: Did he speak false against me?
  1. to betray someone; be treacherous or faithless.
  1. not in accordance with the truth or facts
  2. irregular or invalid
  3. untruthful or lying
  4. not genuine, real, or natural; artificial; fake
  5. being or intended to be misleading or deceptive
  6. disloyal or treacherous
  7. based on mistaken or irrelevant ideas or facts
  8. (esp of plants) superficially resembling the species specified
  9. serving to supplement or replace, often temporarily
  10. music
    • (of a note, interval, etc) out of tune
    • (of the interval of a perfect fourth or fifth) decreased by a semitone
    • (of a cadence) interrupted or imperfect
  1. in a false or dishonest manner (esp in the phrase play (someone) false)
False (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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