Fast Forward (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a function of an audio or video recorder or player, as a cassette deck or DVR, that allows the content to be advanced rapidly.
  2. the button or other control that activates this function.
verb (used with or without object)
  1. to advance an audio or video recording rapidly: I always fast-forward through the TV ads that get recorded on my DVR.
  2. to skip over a period of time and arrive at a future point in the timeline, especially in narration: Fast-forward six months, she’s gotten engaged and is moving to Europe!
  1. the control on a tape deck or video recorder used to wind the tape or video forward at speed
  2. a state of urgency or rapid progress
  1. to wind (a video or tape) forward using the fast-forward control
  2. to deal with speedily
  3. to move forward through a tape or video using the fast-forward control
  4. to direct one's attention towards a particular time or event, ignoring intervening material
Fast Forward (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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