Father (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a man who begets offspring; a male parent.
  2. one’s own male parent: When we were kids, Father read to us regularly.My father is visiting us next week.
  3. a father-in-law, stepfather, foster father, male adoptive parent, or male guardian.
  4. a term of address for a male parent or a man having or regarded as having the status, function, or authority of a male parent: How are you, Father?
  5. any male ancestor, especially the founder of a family or line; progenitor.
  6. a man providing care or exercising influence or authority like that of a male parent: The late professor was a father to all his students.
  7. the qualities characteristic of a father, such as paternal affection, protectiveness, responsibility, etc.: He had been quite a rake, but his newborn daughter quickly brought out the father in him.
  8. a man who has originated or established something: Freud is often called the father of modern psychology.The founding fathers of America took care to separate church and state.
  9. an early form; forerunner or prototype: The horseless carriage was the father of the modern automobile.
  10. one of the most well-known or prominent men in a city, town, etc.: There was a scandal involving several of the city fathers.
  11. the oldest living or serving member of a society, profession, etc.
  12. a title for something personified as an older or elderly man: Father Time.
  13. a term of familiar address for an old or elderly man.
  14. Often the Father .Theology.
  15. any of the chief early Christian writers, whose works are the main sources for the history, doctrines, and observances of the church in the early ages.
  16. Ecclesiastical.
    • a title of reverence, as for church dignitaries, officers of monasteries, monks, confessors, and especially priests.
    • a person bearing this title: He is a father in the Catholic church.
  17. conscript fathers.
  1. being a male parent: The father penguin rests the egg on his feet and covers it with a fold of warm skin.
verb (used with object)
  1. to beget; be the father of: He fathered seven children over three marriages.
  2. to be the male creator, founder, or author of; originate.
  3. to care for or protect like a father; act paternally toward: He’s always fathering me and checking the oil in my car.After Dad died, my uncle fathered my brother and me.
  4. to acknowledge oneself the father or originator of: He would only father the novel if it became popular.
  5. to assume as one's own; take the responsibility of.
  6. to charge someone with the begetting of: Do not try to father the boy on me.
verb (used without object)
  1. to perform the tasks or duties of a male parent; act paternally: He fathers like he’s been doing it for years, though his kid is only three months old.
  1. a male parent
  2. a person who founds a line or family; forefather
  3. any male acting in a paternal capacity
  4. a respectful term of address for an old man
  5. a male who originates something
  6. a leader of an association, council, etc; elder
  7. the eldest or most senior member in a society, profession, etc
  8. a senator or patrician in ancient Rome
  9. a very large, severe, etc, example of a specified kind
verb (tr)
  1. to procreate or generate (offspring); beget
  2. to create, found, originate, etc
  3. to act as a father to
  4. to acknowledge oneself as father or originator of
  5. to impose or place without a just reason
  1. God, esp when considered as the first person of the Christian Trinity
  2. any of the writers on Christian doctrine of the pre-Scholastic period
  3. a title used for Christian priests
Father (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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