Fatty (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, fat·ti·er, fat·ti·est.
  1. consisting of, containing, or resembling fat: fatty tissue.
  2. characterized by overproduction or excessive accumulation of fat.
noun, plural fat·ties.Informal.
  1. a person who is overweight or obese (sometimes used as a term of address).
  2. a large marijuana cigarette, often shared and consumed by a group, with a shape and size similar to a cigar.
adjective -tier or -tiest
  1. containing, consisting of, or derived from fat
  2. having the properties of fat; greasy; oily
  3. (esp of tissues, organs, etc) characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat
noun plural -ties
  1. a fat person
Fatty (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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